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Pulse College BA Degree in Animation
Pulse College

BA Degree in Animation

Dublin, Ірландія

3 Years


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EUR 9 639 / per year *

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* EU living abroad


Take the first step to becoming a professional animator! Pulse College is very excited to partner with Griffith College, Ireland’s largest independent third level institution, to deliver this brand new, unique and industry-focused BA Degree in Animation.

Pulse College’s BA Degree in Animation is developed and taught by practising industry professionals to ensure that you receive the very highest levels of training. A key part of the course involves producing a portfolio of work that will help you get into the exciting and growing Irish and international animation industry.

Studying at Pulse College will introduce you to valuable professional workflows and teach you everything from the basics of animation, 2D animation techniques, to full 3D modelling. With the significant benefit of hands-on experience, you will be taught beyond the standard levels required by academic institutions. This practical experience is an essential element of our unique programme.

Class times are 20 hours per week, Monday to Friday with study spaces and extra tutoring available to provide to practice your skills.

Course Content

This course covers the full range of topics from drawing skills to 3D modelling, 3D lighting, character texturing, character animating, environmental modelling, animation rendering, and 2D animation, Comic Books and Sequential Art, Animation for Video Games.

A key aspect of this course is to produce a portfolio over the duration of the course that will help you to break into the dynamic and creative animation industry.

During the course, you will learn about:

  • Animating in 2D
  • Designing a character for 3D Modelling
  • How to create a 3D character model
  • How to add colour to your character
  • Making your character move
  • Developing storyboards for animation
  • Creating an environment to house your character
  • Camera and lighting effects to make your animation pop
  • Life Drawing
  • Comic Books and Sequential Art
  • Animation for Video Games

Whether you want to be an animator, character designer for games, concept artist, or VFX animator, Pulse College can set you on the right track to achieving your goal.

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